PRIVATE Sports Performance

If you have dreams and goals, that’s all that matters.



Fully 1-on-1

Built just for you

Train harder

Recover faster

ready to improve your performance?

Sports performance is made up of the complex mixture of bio-mechanical function, emotional factors, and training techniques.

Our coaches are well-trained in each of these areas and provide a well rounded approach for youth and elite athletes of all ages.

We focus on improving your balance, flexibility, and stability, which will translate into increased performance.

We’ll start with an extensive performance assessment to evaluate your movement patterns and identify any lingering or hidden injuries.

After your analysis, we build a customized plan of action based on helping you to achieve your performance goals. 

Receive performance coaching for:

Baseball, Basketball, Cheer, CrossFit, Cycling, Dance, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Pickleball, Running, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball… and more!

Our performance coaching approach will vary by each sport and athlete.




Save money with our sports performance memberships.

  • During your baseline assessment, we’ll assess your needs and goals, and help you determine which monthly membership is the best fit.
  • Pricing ranges by session type, call 480-500-1446 or email to schedule your free 15 minute consultation and for pricing options.

PROMO: 50% off first visit (with membership activation)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a TPI certification?

TPI teaches the foundational concepts behind the Body-Swing Connection™. In this online and in-person Certification class, students learn to quickly evaluate a player’s physical readiness using TPI’s physical assessment screen and how the results of that assessment are correlated to the player’s swing characteristics. This is the class that changed the trajectory of the golf fitness industry.

How long are the golf performance sessions?
First sessions are 45-60 minutes, future sessions are 30 minutes, but can be combined to one hour.
How long are the sports performance sessions?
Sessions last 45-60 minutes
What is a TPI screen?

The TPI screen is a 16 point assessment to determine stability and mobility throughout the entire body.

Which golf simulator are you using?

At AZPI we utilize the Trackman 4 simulator. We also have a SkyTrak simulator for use.

What is the difference between a golf coach and a golf performance coach?

A golf coach is very knowledgeable about the game and swing whereas a golf performance coach is an expert at kinematics of the golf swing and can improve your golf game with a well balanced approach.

Do you only work with golf athletes?

No, we have experienced clinicians and coaches who have worked in a wide variety of sports.

Is there a difference between a sports coach and a sports performance coach?

Sport coaches are knowledgeable about their specific sport and how to condition, strategize, and motivate their athletes. A sports performance coach helps athletes optimize their abilities through a unique approach to training. They combine psychological, mental and physical elements that allow them to develop comprehensive career plans

What should I wear or bring to my appointment?

Wear athletic clothing and shoes. A water bottle and towel are strongly encouraged.

Where are you located?

AZPI is in East Mesa, and just minutes away from Gilbert and Queen Creek. Our cross roads are Pecos and Ellsworth. Our address is 8607 E Pecos Rd, Suite 116
Mesa, AZ 85212

When are you open?

We are open Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 6 pm, and Friday from 8 am to 3 pm

Request an appointment or contact us today with questions

  • Phone


  • Email

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